Amazon & Walmart Seller Resources

Articles to Enhance Your Ecommerce Knowledge

Increase Customer Retention | Cost-Effective Strategies

Customer retention (also known as B2C customer retention) is the art of keeping customers coming back for more. Connecting with your audience goes beyond just making a sale. While the exact cost varies based on the industry you're in, studies show that attracting a new customer can cost 5 to 25 times more than encouraging an existing customer to buy again.

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Maximize Your Amazon Prime Day 2024 Potential

Prime Day 2024, rewarding those with stocked inventory and strategic advertising in place.

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Revolutionizing Retail with Voice Commerce

Voice commerce, or v-commerce, lets people shop by talking to virtual assistants like Alexa, Google Assistant, or Siri. It's getting more common as smart speakers and other voice-enabled gadgets become more popular, making it easier for shoppers to use in their daily routines.

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Create a Captivating Amazon Brand Store in 5 Easy Steps

An Amazon Brand Store offers you a platform to showcase your value and expertise. This centralized hub puts your product line front and center, allowing you to display your unique identity, style, and narrative. Through captivating visuals, compelling storytelling, and seamless navigation, you can upsell, cross-sell, and foster valuable connections that bridge the gap between you and your target market.

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Master Amazon Keyword Research

Grab Your Free Consult What is Amazon Keyword Research and Why Is It So Important? When you’re embarking on a quest for the perfect cup of coffee, hoping to uncover a hidden gem in your neighborhood, your fate lies in the hands of keywords. Nestled within your search engine, these silent orchestrators determine which cafes ... Master Amazon Keyword Research

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Social Media Shopping Strategies for Ecommerce Sellers

Ecommerce social media marketing has become a cornerstone for success in the digital age. As the lines between online shopping and social networking blur, businesses are presented with valuable opportunities to connect with consumers as they network, unwind, and discover new brands.

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Supercharge Sales with Amazon Promotions

With thousands of new sellers flocking to Amazon daily, reaching the right customers is more challenging than ever. While it’s easy to get lost in the sea of competition, with the right approach, you can rise to the top of the search results and market your products to a vast audience of eager shoppers. 91% of shoppers search for deals and offers before making a purchase. With Amazon promotions, you can effectively cater to consumer demand while boosting both sales and visibility. This powerful marketing tool has a broad spectrum of benefits, liquidating stale inventory, enhancing brand reputation, and delivering maximum impact during high-traffic sales events. 

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How to Boost Your Amazon Listing in 6 Simple Steps

Want to create a captivating Amazon product listing that instantly triggers the “buy now” response? While there’s no magic recipe for securing a sale, there are proven strategies for stacking the odds in your favor. Your product pages serve as your virtual storefront, giving customers a glimpse into your value and expertise. By infusing high-quality content into your listings, you can capture shoppers' attention and convert your potential into profits.

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Sell More with Ecommerce Video Marketing

Engaging visual content marketing captivates your audience and builds a deeper connection, making your products memorable. By integrating ecommerce video marketing into your brand-building strategy, you can create an immersive shopping experience that drives conversions and fosters lasting brand loyalty.

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2023 Highlights, 2024 Ecommerce Trends

Equipped with a deep understanding of the ecommerce landscape, savvy sellers can transform last year's challenges into valuable learning experiences and turn their goals into tangible achievements.

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Cutting Costs on Amazon Ads

Utilizing Amazon's advertising platform is critical for sellers. In a highly competitive marketplace, a strong Amazon PPC strategy can connect sellers with their target audience, boost sales, and deliver the competitive advantage they need to reach their revenue goals. However, without a systematic approach, ad spend can quickly be exhausted before these advantages take effect. While Amazon and advertising go hand in hand, it takes skill and experience to maximize impact and prevent losses. 

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Scale Your Business with Amazon Catalog Management

Ecommerce catalog management uses tools and techniques to organize and promote your product collection. With an ecommerce catalog management strategy, you can reach your target audience and supply them with the information they need to purchase from you with confidence.

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