Mastering A/B Testing with Manage Your Experiments on Amazon

May 1st, 2023

AB Testing on Landing Page of Laptop Display in Modern Conference Hall Closeup View. Blurred. Toned Image. 3D Illustration.

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Knowing who you are selling to on Amazon can make the difference between failure and success. Fortunately for sellers, the Amazon Manage Your Experiments Tool can give you the real-time data you need to succeed.

Gathering that in-depth information and understanding of what works and what doesn’t allows you to create product listings and advertising strategies targeted to the right audience. Ultimately leading to happy customers and consistent conversions. 

To compete among Amazon’s 6.3 million sellers, the average company spends 5-20% of its annual revenue on market research. For companies that sell on Amazon, this hefty sum has historically proven to be a worthwhile investment. 

Market research gives sellers a deeper understanding of their potential customers, helping them to launch effective campaigns. The best part is,  Manage Your Experiments on Amazon can give sellers these results at no charge. 

Manage Your Experiments on Amazon 

If you’ve been selling on Amazon for some time, you know that staying in the know about Amazon’s new tools and processes can save you time, money, and frustration. 

Amazon Manage Your Experiments allows you to run testing on your content to see what works. This valuable information can be used to effectively optimize your product listing content and update your PPC campaign without spending tons of time and money on market research.

The Amazon AB testing tool in Manage Your Experiments can be a real game-changer for sellers, increasing customer interest and sales by up to 25%. 

Manage Your Experiments has become easier to use, with new features that can help you perform AB testing on more content than ever before. These AB or split tests compare two versions of your content against each other to see which has better results. 

Using the Amazon A/B Testing Tool

If you’re selling on Amazon, taking advantage of AB testing is a no-brainer. Amazon AB testing shows one group of customers one version of your content (Version A), while a second group sees the other (Version B). These tests are run simultaneously, giving you real-time results you can then use to revise your strategies.

After the Amazon experiment concludes, you can quickly review the results. It allows you to clearly view which version resulted in better sales and conversions and publish this content. 

Unlike traditional market research, which can take months of testing, this fast and easy tool gives you the data you want on a simple, easy-to-read dashboard within Seller Central. 

Amazon Experiment Eligibility

To Manage Your Experiments on Amazon and test Amazon product listings you must be a US-based seller or vendor enrolled in Brand Registry. This tool should be used on ASINs that have high traffic and sales. For this reason, most companies test Amazon product listings that are popular, have a significant sales history, and perform well with shoppers. 

If you’ve been selling on Amazon for some time, AB testing is a great way to boost performance without depleting funds. These Amazon experiments can help you make simple modifications to your product listings and ad campaigns that drive real results in record time. 

To be eligible for an AB test, your version A must be previously approved, associated with the Reference ASIN, and cannot have more than 500 associated ASINs. Both versions A and B cannot be part of a current AB test. ASINs must belong to your brand and have enough traffic to give you conclusive results.

If you’re an Amazon seller that has been in the game for some time, AB testing is the next logical step. Start out with your top sellers or strategize with your Amazon consultant to determine which products you should start with. Once you’re ready to set up your Amazon experiments, follow these 5 basic steps:

  • Create a plan for your experiment and set your goals
  • Create a brand new Version B 
  • Set up your Amazon experiment 
  • Run your experiment on Amazon
  • Review the results and publish the better-performing version 

Amazon A/B Testing Options

Amazon Manage Your Experiments was originally launched in 2019 to test A+ Content. This valuable tool is now available for three categories of content:

  • Product Titles 
  • Main Images 
  • A+ Content 

When creating your Amazon experiment, follow these tips for the best results:

  • Make it different
    When creating an Amazon experiment, it’s important to make sure your two versions have significant differences. You can do this by shortening your titles and descriptions, adding or removing your brand name, updating visual content, and adding comparison charts or size charts.

  • Test one change at a time
    With Amazon experiments, keeping it simple is crucial. Decide on one significant change and keep it at that. Since Amazon AB testing is free, you can always run more tests in the future if you want to make additional changes or adjustments. Focusing on one primary change such as visuals, branding, or conciseness will help you achieve conclusive results that you can apply to your listings and ad campaigns.

  • Wait it out
    Be sure to test Amazon product listings for the full duration of the experiment. You can select a time period between four to 10 weeks. While it may be tempting to conclude your test early after receiving your preliminary results, it’s worthwhile to gather as much information as possible. 

Amazon A/B Testing Updates

Amazon plans to roll out four new features in Manage Your Experiments that will give you even more valuable insight into what works and what doesn’t. These new and improved features include:

  1. Titles/images notifications:  Reviews your two versions to determine that they will drive conclusive results. These notifications assess whether Version A and Version B are different enough to give you conclusive results.
  2. Auto-publish: Once your Amazon experiments conclude, your winning version will be automatically published to your detail page.
  3. Bullet point/product description testing: You will soon be able to test bullet points and product descriptions along with titles, images, and A+ Content.
  4. Experiment to significance: Shows sellers the significance of their experiment based on interactions with listings. These experiments can be completed faster.

How to Run an Amazon Experiment

Once you’ve established your goals and created a version B, it’s time to get this show on the road. There are two ways to get started:

Getting started 

Method 1:

  • Log into Seller Central 
  • Click on Brands
  • Click on Manage Experiment
  • Create a New Experiment

Method 2:

  • Log into Seller Central
  • Click on Brand Dashboard
  • Click on Brand Benefits
  • Click on Manage Your Experiments
  • Create a New Experiment

Record your goals 

From here, you can select the type of Amazon Experiments you want to run. Select your Reference ASIN and create a title for your AB test. In the hypothesis text box, you can record your strategy and goals. 

For example, you can use this space to write “Shortened title and added brand name to increase clicks and conversions.”

Apply ASINs

Apply an ASIN to version A. No ASIN is needed for your B version since both will be used for the same product listing.

Interpret your results

The Amazon A/B testing tool makes it easy to review your results. Be sure to look at the bigger picture. What worked and why? Is it worth testing other similar products or optimizing your content based on your conclusions? 

Consider how you can apply this information to your product listings and advertising strategy to boost sales. Knowledge is power, so make sure to take full advantage of this free tool. 

Looking for new ways to draw in customers and boost sales? Our expert Amazon consultants work with you to create custom strategies that attract more traffic and higher conversions. From A/B testing to listing optimization and PPC management, we’re here to help. Get started today with a free consultation.